2-Month-Old Baby Must Haves (Flora’s and Mommy’s Top 10!)

Hi! Just as I did after the first month, I wanted to share the top 10 products (plus a bonus product for mama) that we have found helpful in our second month with a baby! Of course there are necessities you need like diapers and pajamas, but these are just 10 random items that we couldn’t have made it through without!

Click here to see my 1-Month-Old Baby Must Haves post.

Be sure to join my Facebook group, Chloe’s Closet, to see all of my baby recommendations (as well as women’s fashion, home decor, beauty, and more)!

1. Fisher-Price Deluxe Kick & Play Piano Gym
Flora isn’t quite big enough yet to appreciate this as a play gym, so we took off the piano part and lay it next to her while she’s laying on her back. She will stare at this thing for SO LONG and stay entertained! She even looks at it long enough to fall asleep right where she’s at (which I have definitely taken advantage of a time or two haha). This next month I’m going to try laying her on the mat like you’re supposed to so she can kick the keys!! Then once they’re big they can play the piano with their hands and learn colors, shapes, etc.
2. Amazon Burp Cloths
I was not prepared for how many burp cloths we would need! Flora is a “happy spitter” which means she spits up almost every time she eats for really no reason other than her throat muscles aren’t good enough yet to keep the milk down. I’ve tried a few different brands and these are our favorite! They are soft and very very absorbent! Plus they come in pink 🙂
3. BABYBJORN Bouncer
I was hesitant to buy this because of the price, but we actually love it! Plus you can use a coupon on it if you have one! It didn’t work for us in the first month so I was scared it was a waste of money but now that she fits well in it, she loves it! I put her in it a lot while I cook lunch or dinner and she just sits in it happy as can be!
4. KYTE BABY Onesies
Hear me out on these, because I know they’re pricey. I feel like I made the mistake of buying a TON of inexpensive baby onesies before she was born and they’re all stiffy and itchy on her sensitive baby skin. I have already purchased 3 of the Kyte onesies because they are incredibly soft and I can tell she is so comfortable in them! I’m a Kyte lover for life and will buy them in every size until she outgrows them! Grab a few of the neutral colors that’ll match all your pants so you get a lot of use out of them!
5. Ubbi Steel Odor Locking Diaper Pail
This diaper pail seriously locks in ALL the diaper stink! When you open it to add a diaper or change the bag and that smell hits you, you realize how glad you are to have that smell contained and not floating around your house. Worth every penny!
6. Lily Jade Caroline Diaper Bag
We love our Lily Jade bag! I used a smaller bag the first month and it just wasn’t cutting it. This backpack fits everything we need and then some! Plus it’s really good quality so it zips open and closed easily and looks nice.
7. BOB Gear Revolution Flex Jogging Stroller
According to my Apple Watch, we have taken Flora on 15 walks since she was born! We really love our BOB jogging stroller. I spent a looooong time researching strollers and am so happy I landed on this one! It’s a really smooth ride both in our neighborhood and on the gravel trail by our house. She falls asleep on every walk! We currently just clip our infant car seat (Nuna brand) into it with an adapter!
8. FridaBaby Nasal Aspirator NoseFrida
I’ll be the first to admit I was SO against this thing before Flora was born! We got one as a gift and I returned it LOL. We got an electric one on Amazon instead. However, Flora got her first cold this month and the electric one just didn’t do it. Once I became a mom I realized I’d do anything to help my baby be the most comfortable and most happy! I sent Josh to Target at 10pm to get this thing and we’ve used it every single day since she got sick!!! It seriously gets all the snot out – and no, neither Josh nor I have gotten sick from using it!
9. Amazon Portable White Noise Machine
100% can’t recommend this enough! We carry ours all over the house to keep by her wherever she’s sleeping! The noise helps her stay asleep through all the other noises in the house. We also keep it next to her bassinet all night!
10. Rope Diaper Caddy Organizer
Because we live in a 2-story house, we keep this caddy stocked with the diaper essentials in our living room on the first floor. It’s so much easier than walking up and down the stairs every time we want to change her diaper! We use it every day and just tuck it behind the couch when we aren’t using it.


12-Ounce Water Bottle

If you’re breastfeeding or planning to breastfeed (or pump), you will have to drink A LOT of water! Doctors recommend drinking 128 ounces a day, which is an entire gallon! It was hard for me to drink that much water. I tried drinking from a gallon jug but it was too big to stay motivated to do it. I decided to get a 12-ounce bottle that I could drink every time I nurse. It makes it SO EASY to get my water in because I nurse flora 8-10 times a day. This bottle on Amazon is perfect – I actually just chug the 12 ounces from it right before I nurse because it’s really easy to chug from hahaha. I wanted to share in case anyone else struggles with water intake!

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