Hey there lovelies!

Today is a special day for me, and for my One Happy Wife blog. Today is the first day of my 2nd month of blogging. I thought now would be a good time to better introduce myself to all of my new followers. My path to fashion blogging was such an indirect path, but I got here. and I wouldn’t change my story for anything.

First off, I can’t thank you all enough for your endless support! The amount of positive energy and motivation I have gotten from this community is indescribable, and I truly owe all of my success to you (and my Lord, Jesus Christ).

Second, I never imagined I would be a fashion blogger, or a blogger in general, or even someone who was remotely fashionable. I started One Happy Wife (OHW) as an artist, focusing my posts on the importance of happiness. I used my artwork as an escape from my 8-5 (or 6 or 7 or 8) job. While I was successful at finding my own escape, I wasn’t very successful on growing a following and thus, my business was failing before it even started. Long story short, artwork started to feel like a failing hobby for me, which led me to become one UN-happy wife (ha).

Several months pass and I realized 3 (random and off-topic) things about myself:

  1. Retail therapy is actually real for me. Long day at work? Stop at Target on the way home. Sitting at the DMV for 3 hours? Search online for sales. It all helps.
  2. I spend a really long time researching and considering products before making a purchase…like, a really long time. Why do I do that?
  3. What if I combined these two and made a business out of it?

If you’ve made it this far in the story, here is where everything ties together.

I spent weeks debating whether or not to start up a fashion Instagram/blog. And the honest truth? I would have never started it had I not already purchased my own domain name and set up my blog for my artwork. Had I not taken the leap of faith on my artwork, had I not felt that failure from my art business, had I not ultimately taken time off from said artwork, I would not have relaunched OHW as a fashion blog. I still consider myself an artist. Now I’m just a fashionable artist.

So, if you’re fighting that internal battle, debating whether or not to take your own leap of faith, do it. Just go for it. Because 1. you really have nothing to lose, and 2. you might discover yourself and your true passions in the process, just like I did. I made the below sign shortly before officially deciding to re-brand to fashion and hung it right next to my desk. The key takeaway here is that you will never feel fully ready to commit to your daydreams, but if you go for it, if you make your daydreams your reality, you might just find that you’ll live one happier life.

I’ve been here now for one month and one day, and I already feel like I’ve found my place. I’ve made some amazing blogger friends and shared my love of fashion with so many people! Seriously, if you want a self-esteem booster, get yourself a fashion Instagram. The energy in this community is absolutely beautiful.

I chose these pics above because I feel like they give the most real example of “me”. Smiley, drinking coffee, and wearing my all-time fave colors.

To shop this look, click the hyperlinks below:

Oversized Round Sunglasses– The best sunglasses and under $15! These also come in tortoise shell if you like brown sunnies better!

JCPenney Xersion Tank – this rosy pink tank is actually an athletic top and it’s only $5!!!



Icing Bars Necklace – the linked necklace isn’t the exact one I’m wearing, but it’s very similar and from the same retailer! They also carry a rose gold option, but this one is only $4!!

J.Crew Bell Sleeve Cardigan – This cardigan is the perfect thickness for and indoors worker – it’s super cozy but doesn’t get hot! The bell sleeves give it the perfect feminine touch too. It comes in 3 colors, is fully in stock, and is on sale! Don’t miss out on this for fall! For reference, I’m wearing an XS.

Jeans – these jeans are actually from Vanity, which discontinued in 2017. 🙁 BUT I have plenty of other jeans recommendations for you. My two current jean obsessions are Calvin Klein and Madewell.

Booties – these black sock boots are from Payless – American Eagle, but are from last year! I’ve found a few similar options on Amazon (here and here).

As always, feel free to email me at onehappywifeblog@gmail.com or DM me on Instagram if you’d like additional help finding these pieces!

Happy shopping!

Love, Chloe
