I can’t believe it has already been 2 years since Josh and I exchanged vows!!! It feels like both yesterday and an eternity ago! A lot has changed since that day, and I couldn’t be happier to share those changes with my husband!

I did a majority of our wedding planning and prep by myself. It was A LOT of work but doing it myself meant everything turned out exactly how I wanted it to! Except one thing…
As y’all know, I spend HOURS researching things before buying them, so imagine my disappointment when I FORGOT TO WEAR MY VEIL ON MY WEDDING DAY! I spent SO LONG looking for the perfect veil to wear with my dress and it stayed tucked in my suitcase the whole day.
The day after our wedding, I decided I would pull out my veil on our anniversary every year to give it the love it deserves!

I actually found my veil on Mercari, a secondhand website kind of like ebay, for about $30! I didn’t want an extravagant veil to take away from the embellishments on the back of my dress, so this was the perfect option for me!

I love wearing it and it gives me all the Bride feels all over again!

Something even more special about these photos is we got to take them on the back deck of our new house! We took our anniversary photos at home last year so I wanted to do it again this year in our new place! Sure, the deck needs cleaned and repainted, but I love being able to incorporate our everyday lives into our photos so we can look back and always remember where we were at in that stage of life.

And then of course we had to include Ricky!!!

And now the fun part of our traditional anniversary pics – the shots with “the window dress”!

Before going wedding dress shopping, I sat down with my mom and described everything I could possibly want in my dream dress. In that moment, she reminded me of several things:
- I might change my mind when I start trying on, or
- There will likely not be one dress that has every single thing on my wish list.
A girl can dream though, right?

Here was my list:
- Pure white
- Fitted
- Lace all the way down
- Large open back
- White buttons down the back
- Shoulder straps
- Embellishment but not too much embellishment (and no sequins)
We made appointments at 3 different dress boutiques and gathered up some family and friends to help. Our first appointment was on a Saturday morning. As we walked in the door to the boutique, I stopped my mom…

“Mom, that’s my dress. That dress in the window. It has everything I want.”

And you know what? That dress you’re seeing here…that was the dress in the window.

I ended up trying on over 15 dresses in that first boutique, but always came back to the one in the window. I tried on dresses at 2 other boutiques, and always. came. back. to the one in the window.

It’s hard to think about what you’re going to do with your wedding dress after the big day. I hated the thought of selling my window dress…the PERFECT dress.
But why leave it in a closet? The perfect dress deserves attention and love!

So we promised to get our wedding attire back out every year and reminisce, laugh, and dance!
We have a very fun and playful relationship, so being able to portray that in our wedding attire is one of my favorite things!

Here we can be seen in our natural element, dancing in our very bare new home and loving each other!

I am so thankful for my little family and wouldn’t trade them for the world!

Hope you enjoyed our anniversary pics! What do you think of our traditions and what special traditions do you have with your spouse? Would love to hear from you!
In the meantime, we’re off to celebrate our anniversary with a rope course in Kansas City and then maybe some BBQ!
Happy August 6th!
Love, the Webbs